PUBLICATIONS Jaakonaho, L. (2024) "Vulnerable Agencies: A Performative Research Assemblage on Dis/Ability". In T. P. Østern, T. McCaffrey, K. Chikonzo & N. Chivandikwa (ed.) Theatre and Performing Arts, Disability Citizenship and Community Development (pp. 45-65). Cappelen Damm. Anttila, E., Tuovinen, T., & Jaakonaho, L. (2024). "Reflective documentation in arts education – Expanding ways of thinking through multimodal, embodied practices". Research in Arts and Education, 2024(3), 122–137. Jaakonaho, L. (2024) "Shifting the Focus: Intra-acting with Diverse Agencies and Happy Objects in a Day Center of Disability Services". Research in Arts and Education, 2024(2), 40-52. Laukkanen, A., Jaakonaho, L., Fast, H. & Koivisto, T. 2021. "Negotiating Boundaries: Reflections on the ethics of arts-based and artistic research in care contexts". In Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. Taylor & Francis online. Jaakonaho, L. 2020. "Moninaisuuden risteymiä: Taidealojen erityispedagogiikka pedagogisena luovuutena". [Intersections of diversity: Special education in the arts as pedagogical creativity] In H. Kauppila & K. Lehikoinen (ed.) Toiminnasta sanoiksi: Puheenvuoroja oman työn kehittämisestä taidealojen yliopistopedagogisessa koulutuksessa. Helsinki: Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki. Jaakonaho, L. & Junttila K. 2019. ”Exploring (Dis)ability: Towards Affirmative Spaces in and through Arts Pedagogy”. In Østern A. & Knudsen K. N. (ed.) Performative Approaches in Arts Education: Artful Teaching, Learning and Research. London: Routledge. Jaakonaho, L. 2019 "Tutkimusta kehitysvammaisten taidetoiminnan etiikasta ja "punkisti rokkaavasta" vaikuttavuuskampanjasta". An article in Ketju 01/2019, the magazine of The Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Anttila, E., Jaakonaho, L., Kantomaa, M., Siljamäki, M. & Turpeinen, I. 2019. Tanssi liikuttaa. Policy brief. Helsinki: ArtsEqual. Jaakonaho, L. 2017. "Encountering and Embodying Difference through Dance: Reflections on a research project in a primary school in Finland". In Burridge, S. & Svendler Nielsen, C. (ed.) Dance, Access and Inclusion. Perspectives on Dance, Young People and Change. Routledge UK. Condit, O. & Jaakonaho, L. (ed.) 2017. NIVEL 08 Poetics of Form. Helsinki: Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki. Anttila E., Jaakonaho L., Juntunen M-L., Martin M., Nikkanen, H., Saastamoinen R. & Turpeinen I. 2017. Comprehensive school: Finland's largest cultural centre. Policy brief. Helsinki: ArtsEqual. Jaakonaho, L 2017. "Crisis Creativity and Society: Dance Movement Therapy embodying interdisciplinary pathways’: Report on the 2nd EADMT conference, September 2016, Milan". In Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 04/2017. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS "Vulnerable agencies: on the complexity of participation in an artistic-pedagogical research assemblage involving dis/abled people". Paper presentation, The 7th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Participation, collaboration and co-creation: Qualitative inquiry across and beyond divides. University of Helsinki 01/2024. "From Hidden to Shared Vulnerability - developing connections through embodiments of ‘imaginative dialogue’". A workshop-presentation with Eeva Anttila and Pauliina Laukkanen. ELIA Biennial Conference 2022 NO STONE UNTURNED. Helsinki, 25/11/2022. "Who am I to teach this? Insights from teaching special education in the arts to multicultural groups of university students". Paper presentation, The International Conference on Disability Studies, Arts & Education (online). 08/10/2021. "Post-Sense Workshop". A workshop with Kristina Junttila. PSi (Performance Studies international) #25 "Elasticity". Calgary, Canada. 06/07/2019. “The number one question is How? Challenging the binary logics of 'intrinsic' vs. 'instrumental' through an artistic-pedagogic research process." Paper presentation, 14th NOFOD (Nordic Forum for Dance Research) Conference: Practice, Participation and Politics. Helsinki, Finland. 14/06/2019. "Contradictions and tensions within and around cultural wellbeing in the light of disability studies", in the ArtsEqual panel 'Cultural wellbeing as a boundary object', Nordic Arts and Health Conference, Malmö, Sweden 21/05/2019. "Dancing with the Other: ethical reflections on (dis)ability, difference and care". A paper presentation at The 3rd EADMT Conference ‘Crossing Borders and the In-Between: DMT at the Leading Edge'. Athens, Greece 06/10/2018. "Building bridges across different abilities through arts-based interventions in schools". A presentation in ArtsEqual symposium at JustEd2018 conference ‘Promoting Justice through Education’. University of Helsinki 23/05/2018. "Dancing with the Other: Towards the ethics of encountering difference through inclusive dance pedagogy". A Pecha Kucha presentation at The 7th World Alliance for Arts Education conference 'Engaging with Communities: Creative Pedagogies'. Auckland, New Zealand 23/11/2017. ”Encounters with (dis)ability – how to move and write with difference?” A workshop at the 7th Research Symposium of the Hollo Institute 'Back to Senses – Exploring Future Directions of Arts Education'. University of the Arts Helsinki 12/10/2017. ”Dancing, thinking and writing with intellectual disability: entangled relations and ethical tensions”. A paper presentation at The 1st International Conference on Disability Studies, Arts, and Education. Aalto University, Helsinki 29/09/2017. ”Becoming Disabled lecture-demonstration”, with Kristina Junttila at 'CARPA5 Perilous Experience? Extending Experience through Artistic Research' colloquium. University of the Arts Helsinki 31/08/2017. ”Dancing and thinking with intellectual disability: entangled relations and ethical tensions”. A paper presentation at ’Dance and Democracy’ 13th International Nordic Forum of Dance Research (NOFOD) Conference. Göteborg, Sweden 16/06/2017. ”‘Seeing' and 'being seen' - the role of the body in teaching and learning in the age of digitalisation”. A paper presentation with Eeva Anttila and Charlotte Svendler Nielsen at The 45th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) 'Learning and education – material conditions and consequences'. Copenhagen, Denmark 24/03/2017. |